Nicholas D.
My interactions with Dr. Abbo and his assistant could not have been more pleasant and informative. A genuine feel-good experience. Dr. Abbo will now be my permanent dental provider.
My interactions with Dr. Abbo and his assistant could not have been more pleasant and informative. A genuine feel-good experience. Dr. Abbo will now be my permanent dental provider.
Monday-Thursday: 9am – 5:30pm
Friday: 9am – 3pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Tel: (954) 434-3331
Fax: (954) 434-4933
4757 South University Drive
Davie, FL 33328
Dr. Spain is a proud PNW native and grew up in northern Idaho. As a teen, he loved science, math, and music and was inspired by his parents and friends to go in to dentistry. He had a part time job with his family dentist and he loved to see the difference a great smile makes in everyone’s life and knew that was his calling. First, though, he wanted to explore a new country and went on a cultural exchange to Quito, Ecuador. He spent almost a year learning Spanish and visiting every historical site, beach, and rainforest he could. While that was amazing, he was excited to get back to the US and start his education towards becoming an orthodontist.
He attended Seattle University where he completed his degree in Biology and graduated Magna cum Laude. While his program was demanding, he managed to find time for pursuing his interest in music as well as leading new student orientation programs and tours.
He then attended the nationally recognized University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in beautiful San Francisco and graduated with honors. He was inducted into the University of the Pacific’s dental honor society, Tau Kappa Omega, as a sophomore for academic and clinical excellence. At graduation, he was awarded the Quintessence Research Achievement Award for outstanding research achievement and the OKU Clinical Excellence Award for excellence in implant dentistry. His nerdier side loved microbiology research and he spent hours in the lab finding innovative ways to deliver targeted medicine to cancer cells. Ask him to explain what he studied but beware because he may start geeking out a little.
Dr. Spain then went to the University of Colorado in Denver and earned his Certificate in Orthodontics and his Masters of Science in Dental Medicine. During his residency, he focused on research for pain relief and improving the orthodontic experience for patients. Dr. Spain is an active member of both local and national orthodontic societies. He has a passion for working with patients of all ages and strives to use the newest information and techniques to help patients achieve their most beautiful smiles. He has experience in using Invisalign®, self-ligating braces, functional appliances, TADs (temporary mini-implants), lasers, and orthognathic surgery assisted cases.
In his spare time, Dr. Spain can often be found skiing the nearby slopes or out hiking with friends in the beautiful Northwest. For the last couple of years, he has biked from Seattle to Portland with a fantastic group who raises awareness and money for cancer research and support services. This year he hopes to continue that tradition to trails around the country. He enjoys traveling, exploring new restaurants and singing along to all kinds of music.
· Seattle University, Bachelor of Science in Biology
· University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry, Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
· University of Colorado, Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopedics Residency, Certificate of Orthodontics and Masters of Science in Dental Medicine (MSD)
· Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society
· Tau Kappa Omega Honor Society
· President, Class of 2009, University of Colorado Department of Orthodontics
· American Association of Orthodontists
· Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists
· Washington State Society of Orthodontists
· Delta Sigma Delta
· Alpha Sigma Nu
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With Damon braces, we can achieve a terrific end result and finish your treatment faster. Depending upon your specific case, this can translate to a beautiful smile months sooner than with traditional braces. After analyzing your specific needs, we will be able to provide you with a treatment plan that will have you smiling as soon as possible.
Damon braces are very precise and effective. With this system, we can reduce the need for many of the time-consuming, complicated procedures that are used with traditional braces.
Because Damon braces eliminate the need for elastic ties, fewer adjustments are required. As a result, your appointments can be spaced out further, early in treatment, and will take less time.
Due to the unique design, we can move your teeth into their correct positions with greater comfort than traditional braces. Also, Damon braces are aesthetic, comfortable, and easy to keep clean.