Dental Bridges

in Davie, FL

Restore Confidence and Lost Teeth with Dental Bridges

Missing teeth can significantly impact your smile, confidence, and even your ability to chew comfortably. At Davie Advanced Dentistry, we understand the importance of a complete, healthy smile. Our experienced and caring team, led by Dr. Eli Abbo, is committed to providing exceptional restorative dentistry services, including dental bridges.  


If you’re looking for a reliable solution to replace missing teeth and restore your smile, consider dental bridges. Contact us today at (954) 434-3331 to schedule a consultation with one of the best dentists in Davie, FL. 

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are fixed dental restorations that bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth (called pontics) anchored by dental crowns placed on the surrounding healthy teeth (abutment teeth) or dental implants. These custom-made bridges blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, restoring aesthetics and functionality.

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Dental Bridge

This is the most common type, utilizing crowns on the missing tooth and healthy teeth on either side of the gap to support the replacement teeth (pontics). It’s a reliable solution for replacing one to three missing teeth in a row.

Implant-Supported Dental Bridge

This type utilizes dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone to anchor the bridge instead of relying on healthy teeth. It offers superior stability and longevity over traditional bridges, especially for replacing multiple missing teeth or when there are no healthy teeth available for traditional abutments.

woman smiling

Benefits of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges offer a multitude of advantages for restoring your smile and oral health:

  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Bridges restore a natural-looking and beautiful smile, boosting confidence.
  • Improved Speech and Chewing: Bridges restore clear speech and allow for comfortable chewing.
  • Prevents Teeth Shifting: Bridges prevent surrounding teeth from moving out of position due to missing teeth.
  • Maintains Facial Structure: Bridges help maintain your natural facial shape by preventing bone loss in the jaw.
  • Durability and Stability: Bridges are a long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth, lasting many years with proper care.
  • Improved Oral Health: Bridges can improve oral health by preventing gum disease and other complications associated with missing teeth.

Are You a Candidate for Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are a versatile solution for replacing missing teeth, but they aren’t suitable for everyone. Here are some factors your dentist in Davie, FL, will consider to determine if you’re a good candidate for dental bridges:

  • Number of Missing Teeth: Bridges typically replace one to four missing teeth in a row. If you have more missing teeth spread out, partial dentures might be a better option.
  • Health of Adjacent Teeth: The teeth on either side of the gap (abutment teeth) need to be strong and healthy enough to support the bridge. If these teeth have significant decay or damage, crowns or fillings might be needed before bridge placement.
  • Gum Health: Healthy gums are crucial for the long-term success of dental bridges. If you have gum disease, it will need to be treated before getting bridges.
  • Oral Hygiene Habits: Maintaining good oral hygiene with regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings is essential for bridge longevity and overall oral health.
  • Jawbone Density: Implant-supported bridges require sufficient bone density in the jaw for implant placement. If bone density is low, bone grafting procedures might be needed before implant placement.
  • Overall Health: Certain medical conditions or medications that affect healing may impact your candidacy for dental bridges. Discuss any pre-existing health conditions with your dentist.
man smiling

The Dental Bridge Placement Process

Initial Consultation and Evaluation

The journey begins with a consultation with your dentist in Davie, FL. During this visit, Dr. Abbo will discuss your concerns and goals for replacing missing teeth.  A thorough dental examination will be conducted to assess your oral health, the condition of your remaining teeth, and gums, and the area with missing teeth. X-rays might also be taken to evaluate the jawbone’s health and suitability for bridge placement.

Preparation of Abutment Teeth (if applicable)

If you’re a suitable candidate for a traditional bridge, the next step involves preparing the abutment teeth. These healthy teeth on either side of the gap will support the new bridge itself. The dentist will numb the area with local anesthesia to ensure comfort and then reshape the abutment teeth by removing a small amount of enamel. This creates space for the crowns that will eventually hold the bridge in place.

Taking Impressions and Temporary Bridge Placement

Once the abutment teeth are prepared, impressions will be taken of your teeth and the gap. These impressions are highly detailed molds used by dental technicians in a laboratory to create the custom bridge. In the meantime, your dentist might place a temporary bridge over the prepared teeth. This temporary bridge protects the exposed teeth, maintains aesthetics, and allows for normal function of neighboring teeth while the permanent bridge is fabricated.

Crafting the Custom Bridge

The impressions taken by your dentist are sent to a dental laboratory. Skilled technicians use the impressions to meticulously design and create your custom bridge. The bridge typically consists of replacement teeth (pontics) made from durable and natural-looking materials like porcelain or zirconia. Additionally, crowns are crafted for the abutment teeth to anchor the bridge securely.

Aftercare for Dental Bridges

Proper care following dental bridge placement is essential for longevity against tooth decay and optimal oral health. Here are some aftercare tips:

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from under the bridge and around the abutment teeth.
  • Pay Attention to Bridge Cleaning: Use special interdental cleaning tools like floss threaders or soft picks to effectively clean under the bridge. Your dentist can recommend the most suitable cleaning tools for your specific bridge.
  • Maintain Regular Dental Visits: Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist in Davie, FL. This allows for professional cleaning and early detection of any potential problems with the bridge or surrounding teeth.
  • Avoid Using Hard Foods: While bridges are durable, avoid chewing on tough foods or objects that could damage the bridge or stress the abutment teeth.
  • Break Bad Habits: Avoid habits like chewing on ice or hard candy that can damage the bridge or teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

The lifespan of dental bridges varies depending on factors like oral hygiene, bridge material, and care. On average, they last five to 15 years. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are crucial for extending the new dental bridge’ longevity.

Dental bridges typically replace up to four missing teeth in a row. If you have more missing teeth, partial dentures might be a better option. Consult your dentist in Davie to discuss the most suitable solution for your needs.

Dental insurance coverage for bridges varies depending on your plan. Generally, some plans cover a portion of the cost, considering bridges a restorative treatment. Contact your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage details.

Getting dental bridges shouldn’t be painful. There might be some mild discomfort during the anesthesia administration or tooth preparation. However, dentists use local anesthesia to minimize any pain during the dental bridge procedure. You might experience some tenderness after the procedure, but this usually subsides within a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage any discomfort.

Fix Your Smile with Tooth Bridges from Dr. Abbo

Dental bridges are a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution to missing teeth. Our dedicated Davie, FL, team is committed to providing you with the best oral care, ensuring your smile is restored to its full potential. Don’t let missing teeth hold you back; schedule a consultation today by calling (954) 434-3331 and take the first step towards a confident and radiant smile. We welcome patients from Cooper City, Driftwood, and Boulevard Heights, FL.