Dental Implants in Davie, FL

Fix Your Smile and Replace Missing Teeth for Good

At Davie Advanced Dentistry, dental excellence meets transformative solutions. Bid farewell to the challenges posed by missing teeth and embrace a radiant smile with dental implants

Dr. Bill and Eli Abbo take pride in offering the gold standard in restorative dentistry, ensuring a permanent solution to enhance your dental health and revive the full potential of your smile. To learn more or schedule a consultation, call our Davie, FL, office at (954) 434-3331.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants replace and mimic the natural appearance and function of teeth. The post, made of a durable titanium alloy, is surgically anchored to the jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation. The abutment connects the post to the dental crown, crafted to match the color, shape, and size of existing teeth, resulting in a restored and natural-looking smile.

Candidacy for Dental Implants

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for dental implants. Factors influencing candidacy include:

  • Bone Density: Adequate jawbone density is crucial for the successful placement of dental implants. Insufficient bone may require bone grafting procedures before implantation.
  • Oral Health: Candidates should have good oral health and hygiene to ensure the long-term success of dental implants.
  • Medical History: Certain medical conditions or medications may impact the suitability of dental implants. A comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s medical history is essential.
  • Commitment to Aftercare: Successful integration of dental implants requires a commitment to aftercare, including regular dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene practices, and adherence to post-implantation dietary guidelines.
  • Non-Smoker Status: Smoking can impede the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Non-smokers are generally better candidates for dental implants.

Before embarking on the journey to dental implants, consultation with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon is crucial to assess individual candidacy and ensure the best possible outcomes.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

There are several benefits to dental implants, such as:

  • Enhanced Appearance: Dental implants seamlessly blend with natural teeth, offering a customized solution that enhances the aesthetics of your smile.
  • Optimized Functionality: Functioning like natural teeth, dental implants allow for ease in chewing, speaking, and biting. Their secure anchorage in the jawbone prevents slippage or discomfort often associated with removable dentures.
  • Durability and Longevity: Crafted from durable materials like titanium, dental implants can last for many years, and with proper care, they may even provide a lifelong solution for tooth replacement.
  • Preservation of Bone and Facial Structure: Unlike tooth loss, which can lead to jawbone deterioration, dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial structure over time.
  • Convenience and Comfort: Dental implants eliminate the need for removable dentures, offering a fixed and comfortable solution requiring no additional maintenance. They can be cared for just like natural teeth, simplifying daily oral hygiene routines.
A family is smiling confidently thanks to dental implants.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Evaluation and Treatment Planning

Before the procedure begins, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted, often involving X-rays and, in some cases, a CT scan. This information is used to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs.

Implant Placement

The first surgical stage involves administering local anesthesia to numb the area and dental sedation to calm your nerves. The dentist then creates an incision in the gum tissue, exposing the jawbone. A hole is drilled to place the titanium implant, serving as a replacement for the tooth root. The gum tissue is then stitched back together, initiating the healing process.


Over the next few months, the implant undergoes osseointegration—a critical phase where the titanium surface fuses with the surrounding bone. This integration creates a robust and stable foundation for the replacement tooth.

Abutment Placement

Once full integration with the jawbone is achieved, a second minor surgical procedure is performed to attach an abutment. This connector protrudes above the gum line, facilitating the secure attachment of the dental crown or prosthetic tooth.

Crown Placement

The final step involves affixing a custom-made dental crown to the abutment. Carefully adjusted for proper fit, bite, and aesthetics, the crown completes the procedure, providing a functional and natural-looking replacement tooth.

A woman points to her dental implants and smiles.

Aftercare for Dental Implant Surgery

Proper aftercare is essential to ensure the healing and long-term success of dental implant surgery.

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene practices to keep the implant site clean. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Additionally, daily flossing helps remove plaque and food particles around the implant.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings with your dentist. These visits allow monitoring of the implant’s health, detection of potential complications, and professional cleaning for optimal oral health.
  • Watch Your Diet: Adopt a soft food diet for the first few days after implant surgery to avoid excess pressure on the implant site. Gradually reintroduce firmer foods as the healing progresses. Avoid chewing on the implant site until it fully recovers to prevent damage.
  • Manage Discomfort: It’s common to experience mild discomfort and swelling after implant surgery. Your dentist may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to manage any discomfort. Most patients report the discomfort subsides within a few days to one week.

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting dental implants is typically painless, as it’s done under local anesthesia, ensuring you don’t feel discomfort. It’s common to experience mild discomfort and swelling after the surgery, which can be effectively managed with prescribed or over-the-counter pain relievers. Most patients report any discomfort subsides within a few days to one week after placement

Dental implants can last many years to a lifetime. The durability of implants is attributed to their construction with robust materials like titanium, fostering integration with the jawbone and creating a foundation for the replacement tooth. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene are ideal for the long-term success of dental implants.

Insurance coverage for dental implants varies among providers and plans. Often, dental insurance may not fully cover the cost of implants as they are often considered a cosmetic or elective procedure. Check with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage for dental implants and explore alternative financing options if needed.

Yes, you can eat after getting dental implants, but it’s essential to be mindful of your diet during the initial healing phase. Stick to a soft food diet for the first few days to avoid putting excess pressure on the implant site. Avoid direct chewing on the implant site until it has healed to prevent potential damage.

Tooth Loss is a Thing of the Past with Implant Dentistry

You deserve the confidence that comes with a flawless smile. When you’re ready for a permanent missing tooth solution, trust Drs. Bill and Eli Abbo at our Davie, FL practice. Contact us at (954) 434-3331 or fill out our contact form. Serving patients in Cooper City, Driftwood, and Boulevard Heights, FL, let us transform your dental health and bring back the joy of a complete and natural-looking smile.